horse theater
Not a show or a spectacle, but rather quiet tones, magical moments and enchanting moments, best describe the type of horse theatre that I have had the pleasure of organizing and accompanying several times.
Respect for the horse.
Make theatre to present these beings with dignity.
To take people into some moments of magic that comes from these wonderful animals.
This has always been my drive and energy,
for the four horse theatre projects, three of which were carried out.
Immerse yourself in brief memories from the past.
Curtain up for horse poetry!
horse poetry
"Art is there to wash the dust of everyday life from the soul." Pablo Picasso
I would like to share my passion for horses with other people...
...we tell stories, dance in the dream world and take you as a viewer for a short moment into the realm of the world of horses
and let you share in a very special poetry...
The relationship between human and horse is always the focus.
We take up topics and give them back to the audience in the form of a horse theater.
The focus is not on the circus or athletic performance of our horses, but on the relationship that takes place between horse and human.
Iberian Christmas

The Dream Song of Olaf Asteson

